Dental Treatments

Teeth Whitening

The process involves custom made trays which the patient uses at home in conjunction with the whitening gel to achieve the desired results. Your dentist will advise you on what result will be achievable, it can often be several shades lighter than that at the start of the process. Gel can then be purchased at a fraction of the cost, perhaps after a year to re whiten the teeth.

Amalgam Fillings

Amalgam fillings have been around for a long time. Amalgam has the advantage of being a strong compound and is therefore very hard wearing.

Composite (White) Fillings

White or tooth coloured fillings are made of a composite of materials including resin and ceramics. The nature of these fillings has improved over recent years and they now offer a long lasting alternative to amalgam. These fillings can be colour matched to blend in with your existing teeth. They are therefore better suited to teeth towards the front of the mouth which are displayed when you smile.

Root Canal Therapy

This is the only solution to save a tooth if it has become so infected that the nerve dies or decays and has to be removed. The dentist will clean out the nerve cavity within the tooth and work towards sealing the tooth with a permanent filling. He or she may initially place medication within the cavity and create a temporary filling before moving on to provide a permanent seal. The procedure can take some time but can prevent a tooth being lost.


A crown is often used to treat a broken or chipped tooth and therefore restore your smile. Crowns can be made of precious metal, precious metal fused to porcelain, all resin or all ceramic. The dentist may need to shape your existing tooth or fit a post in the dental cavity to provide the crown with additional strength. The dentist will take impressions and the crown will be custom made by the laboratory.


Veneers are bonded to the front of your teeth when a tooth is damaged or considered unsightly. They consist of thin laminates of tooth coloured material usually porcelain, ceramic or composite bonding material. They provide a good way of improving the general appearance of your teeth and can address issues such as gaps in your smile or crooked teeth.


Bridges are used to fill the gaps left by missing teeth. There are several types of fixed dental bridges that can be attached to surrounding teeth in order to restore your smile. Your adjacent teeth will need to be prepared, possibly shaped or strengthened before the bridge section is created, this can be done under local anaesthetic. Your dentist will take impressions to ensure the bridge fits perfectly and will affix a temporary bridge whilst the permanent bridge is being fabricated. A good fit is essential in order to avoid food particles being lodged between the bridge and the gum.

Dental implants

Dental implants can restore a smile after the loss of teeth. They consist of a titanium post which is positioned into the bone of the jaw. New teeth can then be built up on the implants. The Implants can be used singularly or in a series. They provide a long lasting and low maintenance solution to the replacement of lost teeth.
  • Surgery Opening Times:

    Monday 9:00 – 20:00
    Tuesday 9:00 – 18:00
    Wednesday 9:00 – 17:00
    Thursday 9:00 – 20:00
    Friday 8:00 – 14:00

    Contact Details:

    107 Wickersley Road
    S60 3PU

    Find us on Google Maps

    Telephone: 01709 363 500 or
    Tel & Fax: 01709 363 501
